- The sensors in the inner ear monitor head position in space and time (i.e. acceleration, deceleration, rotation, etc).
- The information about the position of the head is converted into electrical signals in the inner ear and sent via the vestibulocochlear nerve to the lower portion of the brain.
- The balance control centers in the brainstem work together with the cerebellum to process this information. They send messages to the rest of the body that keep an individual upright.
- The vestibular nuclei relay signals from the brainstem to the cerebellum which uses constant feedback on body position to coordinate movement.
The following list includes some of the more common signs associated with balance disorders and is not all-inclusive.
- lack of balance
- head tilt
- circling
- nausea
- falling/rolling
- nystagmus
- tremors
- ataxia
- Horner’s syndrome
- hypermetria
The following list includes some of the more common diseases associated with balance disorders and is not all-inclusive.
- Inflammatory
- infectious
- otitis media/interna
- tetanus
- immune-mediated
- polyps
- infectious
- Neoplastic (inner / middle ear)
- melanoma
- squamous cell carcinoma
- adenocarcinoma
- Inflammatory
- Traumatic
- head injury
- eardrum rupture
- Traumatic
- Toxic
- medications
- Toxic
- Idiopathic
- geriatric vestibular syndrome
- Idiopathic
The following list includes some of the more common diseases associated with balance disorders and is not all-inclusive.
- Degenerative/Metabolic
- cerebellar abiotrophy
- breed specific (Kerry Blue, Gordon Setter)
- cerebellar abiotrophy
- Congenital
- cerebellar hypoplasia
- hydrocephalus
- Degenerative/Metabolic
- Inflammatory
- Immune-Mediated
- cerebellitis / white dog shaker syndrome
- Immune-Mediated
- Inflammatory
- Neoplastic
- medulloblastoma
- Neoplastic
- Traumatic
- head injury
- Traumatic
- Toxic
- metronidazole
- Toxic
- Vascular
This information is meant to be a guide and not a substitute for veterinary care.
Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.